
home decorating and some experimental biscuits

I've been seeing lots of plate collections displayed on walls recently, on apartment therapy (which I follow obsessively) and several other decorating blogs and magazines. As I have a small collection, and have taken up painting plates with patterns and botanicals as an additional hobby, it seemed like it would be a good thing to try to cover one of the spots of patchy paint on our living room walls (a shoddy job was done, I would love to repaint it.....another project).
First I assembled all of my plates, including the ones I had painted and considered a few different ways of laying them out.

Then I made hangers for all the plates, using some 20g florist wire and directions from Martha Stewarts craft site.

...And started hanging them, with no particular plan.

...And Voila! a plate all, which, hopefully, I can continue adding to as my collection grows.

In other news, I made a batch of biscuits with grated cheese in them, which turned out fantastically, crisp and buttery and glorious. And I also made some orange currant scones, however, distracted by the glorious deliciousness of the biscuits, and some sweet potato fries, I left the scones in a tad to long,and so they are definatly a bit on the crisp side, but were happily consumed at their intended picnic.

And finally, here's a view of my newly tidied dining room table, with red patches where the vinyl on the chairs was wearing out, my fantastic quilt with some tin circus plates, and of course, the new place-mats.

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