
making: a sneak peak

So it's been a busy week in Max-land, what with trying to simultaneously cross about a hundred things of my list and all. But in the midst of all my chaos, I have gotten a fair amount of stuff done. nothing worth showing right now, or rather nothing that's complete. But I can give you a sneak peek!

As you can see above, my days have been filled with adding color to a series of illustrations I finished the week before. Color which was done almost entirely with a teeny tiny brush. Not kidding, this brush might just have all of eight hairs in it!

However I am yet again becoming sidetracked discussing the smallness of my current color-making implements. But I felt like sharing a small snippet of these images I've been hinting over for days on end. In case you cannot tell they are all various dwelling, most of a somewhat fairytale nature, and while they have been endlessly fun to create I do very much look forward to seeing them in their completed state soon.

And of course to then be able to cross that off my list!

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