

A thousand humble apologies, there has been near non-existence all week, but there wasn't too much missed in that time. I have been working on a lot of cross stitching. With movie quotes and pop culture and stuff. This is a tester but I am currently re-printing the frames and re-designing the overall look. So this is more like taster/teaser. More later

I did also have one evening when I looked into my refrigerator and saw such a gloriously expansive smorgasbord of vegetative matter that I was forced to create something yummy.

So I thought, pot pie, or some vague version of it. Which had among other things, asparagus and broccoli, carrots and potatoes and yams, oh and also green beans, onions, peppers, and chicken. It was so much vegetable that I was forced to use a second dish. Not that anyone puts up too much of a fuss about leftovers.

And the crust was made out of stars. Fanciful but pretty. And why not.

And there was a little bit more crust leftover so I cut some about-to-turn apples into paper thin slices and mixed them with honey and cinnamon and lemon and spooned them into small rounds of extra dough to make mini turnovers. A little flaky but cute as well.
There has also been a bit of expansive block-printing and shoe-painting and more macaroni and cheese (I am continuously modifying my 'recipe') but for now I will leave it with this, and get back to work. I mean there are three days of weekend, just think of everything I could get done in that amount of time!!

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