
a cold summer day + my awesome flea market find

It has been unseasonably cool here in the east bay this July. Thank goodness for the short week cause the weather has had me feeling off-kilter. Thank goodness I was able to motivate myself to make some soup (potato leek-my Tuesday stop at the grocery for essentials turned into that game where I purchase every vegetable I can find!)and cheese biscuits to take the chill off. Soup in July seems odd, it could have been February for all it seemed, but the soup was good, as were the chocolate peanut butter cookies that followed (the oven was already on for the biscuits so.....)

We made a point of (finally) making it to the Alameda Flea Market last Sunday (roommate and I) after talking about it for ever, and always seeming to miss it by a day, and it was actually a very good weekend cause it was a little less crowded than i imagine it would have been if so many people had not been so occupied with holiday stuff. And it was massive and expansive and so well cultivated (and good food) and such fantastic stuff to root through, pile of junk and odd things and hidden treasure, like this tin cake carrying case my special-lady-friend spotted. With chickens. It has little clips that go over the lip of the plate so that it hold on, and you can carry it by the handle and transport your cake in style!!! Or any other baked goods. Cupcakes or cheesecake or what have you. But dude it has a handle! And every where we went after I scooped it up, it was commented on cause really how often do you see tin rooster-adorned tin cake transportation devices?! honestly, in this day and age not very often.

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